Okee,,, I've been quite busy recently. But IT'S WEEKEND, WHEEEEEEE~!!! Anyway...I just wanted to do some random gibberish since I'm bored now.
1. Anime-related - Prince of Tennis Nationals OVA Ep 1Watched this last week. ^_^; I kinda wanted to blog this but I didn't have a lot of time last week and also the animation quality wasn't impressive so I'm just making a short entry on this here. Anyway Ryoma is back from USA and is ready to rock again. ;;; Gosh, those spoiled boys from Higa jr high seriously need some lessons,,, Anyway it was quite enjoyable to watch and I'm definitely looking forward to watch the next episode, which will be released on May 26th. (a LONG wait, eh?) By watching this OVA, I'm into Tenipuri again enough to read the latest chapters of mangas. I kinda like Shitenhouji jr high. ^__^ (but not Gintarou;;; he's one spoiled kid -_-;;;)

Prince is back! As you can see, the drawing is different since Production I.G. has taken over the project. I felt awkward while watching this because I'm so not used to the drawing. -_^;;;
Saeki gakkoissu!!! ^O^
But Rokkaku lost to Higa so bad. T_T
2. Manga-related - MAR vol.13OMG!!!!! The whole volume was just so interesting that I was like @_@ for the whole time while reading. So many shocking truth and stuff,,, Gosh, I want to read vol.14 right now...
-Who knew Kimera was a ****
-So Halloween really knew Aran long time ago. (Even before 6 years that is) ;;;
-Poor Rolan,,, I hope he gets out of the Chess too. (he was omega kawaii on the back cover pic though)
-Dorothy-chan, too much fanservice! -_^;;;
-IAN GAKKOIIYO IAN!!! >O< I demand for more Ian air time!!!