Bleach Ep 80

I didn't expect a lot on this episode simply because I thought it was just a filler episode. However, I enjoyed this episode a lot and I found it quite funny too. ^O^ Ririn & Kurodo were hilarious so was Kon. They also showed Keigo's ability to see shinigami. (lol Keigo is such a silly guy ^O^) There's nothing much more to says since it was really a filler in a filler arc. But it was a fun watch and it looks like we'll get to see another 1 hour special on May 30th.
[Edited]Oops sorry. There IS Bleach on May 23rd. ^O^;;;[/Edited]

Ahahaha, kawaii~ ^O^
Noba blushing at Rukia like that. He's just so cute. >O<

Nenshin gattai~!!!
The Aquarion parody was hilarious. No wonder Kakazu Yumi(Ririn's VA) and Tobita Nobuo(Kurodo's VA) were casted. (Both of them were in Aquarion including Sugita Tomokazu, who is Noba's VA lol)
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