Gintama Ep 6

In manga, this episode was the chapter 2(so there was no Kagura in that chapter) but I guess the animators kinda wanted to delay this a bit. Anyway with the request from Hasegawa, the Yorozuya three seek for the missing pet of the prince Hata, which is a purple octopus-like creature. They manage to find and bring it back but when Kagura heat it(WTH was she thinking lol), it turns into a gigantic monster. Uh well, Gintoki then handles it well and turns it into their takoyaki dinner later. (lol) Anyway this episode was alright. But I just found it kinda slow due to the way they stretched one chapter into a whole episode. ,,,and what's up with the next episode preview? I can't figure out what is it going to be about since all they showed us was Gintoki sleeping. -_-;;; To be honest, I want another shinsengumi-related episode.

Dekkai ookina takoyaki desu.
Sorry,,, I just watched Aria The Natural Ep 6 and couldn't help it. ^O^;;;
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