Gintama Ep 5

This week, we get an episode that is more focused on drama than comedy. (although it had comedies as always lol) Anyway father of the super popular idol Tsuu-chan, who is a criminal, comes to watch her first concert. However, he made a promise back then about bringing her one hundred roses if she gets to perform for the very first concert. Anyway it was good to see Shinpachi in action. Tsuu-chan was very kawaii too. (voiced by Takahashi Mikako; gotta love her kawaii voice >O<) This episode had an omake too but it wasn't really funny in my opinion. (but Gin-san looked good in blond hair ^O^) Oh and the 3D car chasing scene was funny because the CG reminded me of Zegapain. (which is also by Sunrise)

Fuusen Gum, Kucha Kucha~
Chewing a bubble gum just like the ending lyric. lol (Gin-san, gakkoii~~~ ^O^)
Anyway the next episode seems like they are going to introduce Hasegawa and the ugly prince. From looking at the preview, I think they are going to do half anime original or something. (Which I don't mind at all as long as they make it funny)
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