Thursday, May 04, 2006

Gintama Ep 4

Okay, that was funny,,, ^O^ I think this one was the funniest episode so far. Anyway Gintoki meets his old buddy Katsura and the shinsengumi members stand before them. (Yay for Hijikata-san >__<) Anyway there were several funny moments like Katsura giving Gintoki a big uppercut, Yamazaki cosplaying Ryoma from Prince of Tennis, Kagura doing silly things as usual, Gintoki with his afro hair, Hijikata-san and Okita-kun freaking out because of the sudden news interrupting the drama they were watching, etc. Anyway I think all the voice actors are doing awesome jobs to make this series even more enjoyable. (big two thumbs up for Sugita-san and Ishida-san this episode; of course Nakai-san did his part well ^O^)
Okita-kun's eyemask is cute. lol (I think that item is quite popular in fandom too)

Zura,,,,iya, Katsura-san gakkoissu~!!! ^O^
I'm not a big fan of Katsura but since Ishida Akira-san's voicing him, I can't not like him.

Ginpachi-sensei kita~~~!!! ^O^
Class 3-Z Ginpachi sensei after the next ep preview was totally hilarious. (It's like a short gaiden thingy like shinigami golden in Bleach for this series, where Gintoki plays as the teacher and the others play as the students of his class lol)

Anyway the next episode seems like Tsuu-chan's story, which I liked quite a lot in the manga. Looking forward to watch it! ^O^


At 10:48 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A PoT cosplay. Ack, I want to watch ep 4 now.

Damn subbers. =D

At 10:56 pm , Blogger Shinsakura said...

Oh, you watching this series? I follow the raw for this series 'cause I don't want to wait and my computer can't play MP4 properly.
PoT cosplay was funny. Yamazaki is the Prince of Badminton I guess. lol

At 7:33 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a note that that's episode 5. ^^


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