The Third Ep 1

Okay, I finally got a chance to watch the first episode and I enjoyed watching it quite a lot. The backgrounds are beautifully drawn and the character design is pretty decent as well. (typical design for a fantasy anime) Since I like SF fantasy genre, this one will be a good treat to me. ^O^ The action scenes are quite well done too. (The protagonists of animes nowadays are surely kicking asses, eh?) I'm pretty curious on how things will go between Honoka and Ikus. ^__^ Anyway hope Xebec will bring us something better than Elementar Gerad. (I liked EG too but the conclusion was kinda hurried)
,,,Anyway onto the few points, which I found interesting.

DUNDUNDUN~ The girl meets the boy.
I was giggling while watching this because Honoka is standing and staring at Ikus like 'WOW, what a pretty man.' @_@;;; lol
...Also, this is something I do kinda often but anyway.

Haha, anyway I will keep blogging this series as long as the quality keeps up its standard. Looking forward to watch the next episode as well. ^O^
P.S. Bogie is awesome. He is no ordinary AI Tank.
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