Gintama Ep 3

After a week of break, Gintama is back! (but one more week of break for Bleach T_T) Anyway I will just call this one episode 3 because the very first episode only had one title in the beginning even though it was 1 hr special. (but the fansubbers just called it Ep 1-2, which also makes sense) Therefore, I will just keep the episode counting this way.
Anyway we get to see the intro of the new member of Yorozuya named Kagura(CV: Kugimiya Rie; kawaissu~! >_<), who is one of the powerful space clan called Yado. Kagura is one tough girl despite her cute face. ^_^ The animators actually managed to stretch one chapter into one whole episode, which isn't bad because I don't want the anime to catch up with the manga too soon. Lol Gin-san, you don't need to worry about your nature perm hair since there are so many people who love ya. ^O^ ,,,and there's nothing wrong with a grown man to read shounen jump mangas.
Oh yeah, I never expected this coming:

The author(Sorachi Hideaki) takes a part in the show. lol
Sorachi sensei sure is involving a lot with the anime, eh?
Anyway the next episode is introducing Katsura and the members of shinsengumi, which made me to go 'EH, ALREADY?'. I noticed that the animators decided to skip some minor chapters and introduce all the other important characters first, which isn't too bad because that way, I get to see Hijikata-san so soon. (;;;)
Oh one more, I'm loving the ending theme more and more. (Such a fun song ^O^)
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