Gintama Ep 8

First of all, I must mention about the episode counting once again. I noticed that this week's raw episode is named as episode 8. (I guess the first 1 hr episode was really ep 1-2 after all) So yeah, I'm screwed up with the episode counting once again but now I'll go on this way. (I hope I didn't cause too much confusion -_-;;;)
Anyway onto the episode. Wai, what a brilliant way of directing. WHO KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO BE A SHINSENGUMI EPISODE??? @_@ (I guess they noticed my inner feeling as a fangirl lol) The anime original shinsengumi 24 hours thingy was hilarious. (seeing the opening in the middle of the episode was refreshing too) The central plot of this episode was Kondo-stalking-Tae chapter, which was so funny as well. ^O^
Poor Kondo-san,,, Also, Gin-san you coward! This episode even had The class 3-Z Ginpachi-sensei as the omake, which was good too.
,,,and as a fan of Hijikata Toushirou, I kinda have to say this:

Geez, what a tough bishie man!

Hijikata-san koeeeee~ TOT
Hijikata-san can be so scary too. But this scene was absolutely hilatious though. (I was laughing so hard lol)
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