Kiba Ep 15

Miki gets controlled by Slaguna, which was Dumas' former spirit but he manages to regain his control. (The Berserk Miki was kinda funny though =_=') Anyway Miki ends up keeping Slaguna due to Jiko's advice. Meanwhile, Noah is suffering AGAIN. T_T He awakens the spirit from a box and his uncontrollable power accidentally leads many people to death again. Noooooooo, SAGIRI!!! TOT She was so cute but then they killed her off in this episode along with the people that were taking care of her. Poor Noah,,, Now what is he gonna do? I have a fishy feeling about the lady, who came to pick Noah up.
Anyway it looks like Zed and Roia are going to visit another country in the next episode. I wonder how this new arc will turn out to be.
P.S. The insert song in this episode is called "Nakanaide"(Don't cry) by Afromania. (The group that performed the 1st ending) It was a very nice song btw.
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