Kiba Ep 14

I thought this was going to be a break-like episode after all the twists and actions. However, it turned out to have some more plot and character development. Anyway poor Miki,,, He suddenly has gone nuts. ...and Robes, WHY THE HACK DID YOU HAND DUMAS' SPIRIT TO MIKI??? Did ya want to provoke him to become a stronger shard caster that badly? Anyway,,, -_-;;; There were some fun moments in this episode such as Zed trying to wear a pink apron(Wazzup with all the pinky apron stuff lately? Didn't Gintoki wear one in Gintama too? ^o^;;;) and Zed doing door-to-door bread sale. lol Also it is revealed that Noah is also a shard caster. I hope he won't become a bad guy. TOT Also every time I hear Elmeda speaking, it is always hard to believe that her VA is same as Akari from Aria. -o-;;; Elmeda appears to be a unpredictable type character but it can't be helped that I like her voice. (Hazuki Erino-san has such good voice)

Shin Ending Kita~~~!!! >O<
The new ending song sounds pretty nice and the clip sure is full of Roia, which is a big plus for me. >O<
P.S. I have to admit that the way Zed has powered up is awkward but uh well~ But don't forget that this is a SHOUNEN ANIME. ^_^;;;
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