Gintama Ep 14

Both Gintama and Bleach are back after 1 week of break, which was kinda unexpected. Anyway this was a two-parts episode. The first half was about Shinsengumi bodyguarding the frog amanto without hiding their pride. The second half was about Kagura becoming friends with the princess. It was good to see the 'girly side' of Kagura, which was cute. ^O^
,,,Anyway both parts had SO MUCH SHINSENGUMI GOODNESS which made me happy. Did they realize how much people missed Shinsengumi over the last three episodes? Also, Okita is HILARIOUS. Gosh, gotta love his character. He always gives me good laughs. The funny thing is I always liked Yamazaki over Okita when I was reading the manga but it's kinda going the other way in the anime probably because Suzumura Kenichi-san(Okita's VA, who also did Shinn Asuka from GSD) is making the character extra hilarious. We also have a new ed this week but because the raw episode ended after the sponsor preview, I didn't get to see it this time. Uh well, I'll hear it next week.
=The New Fashions of Gintama=

Style 1 : Semi-formal
Hijikata-san gakkoiiyo Hijikata-san!!! >O< It's our first time to see Hijikata-san without his top jacket.

Style 2 : Rocker
Okita made them on his own. Lookie, even Kondo-san loves it.

Style 3: Cooks
Fuhahahaha look at Gin-san's apron. Totally lovely! ^O^
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