Kiba Ep 12

There were 2 hoorays for this episode.
1) Hooray for Elda The Brave, who has saved Roia, Robes, and Rebecca.
2) Hooray for Zed to remain with 0 character development. <=Take this as a sarcasm ;;
Seriously, Zed has no change in his character so far. He's been doing what he believes upto now. (but again, that shows his strong character -_-;) Dumas is getting sicker every episode but I did notice that when Roia mentions about Miki, there is a trace of Dumas' oldself in his eyes. Oh yes, Zed gets a brand new sword and a new spirit buddy named Rambos. (Is he gonna ditch Gaoul for now?) Hugh is just so evil. Just WTH is he trying to do? Get the dead man(Rebecca's father) to speak? Anyway that Philip guy from Rebecca's army was dumb... But he deserves what he got.
Is Zed gonna try to kick all of their @sses by himself now? Uh well, I'm gonna cheer for him AND make fun of him a bit for now. -3-
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