xxxHOLiC Ep 11

This was another great episode with lots of Doumeki goodness and Yuuko goodness along with Vestal Sprite's kawaiiness. >O< The production quality this time was exceptionally high as well.
Anyway Doumeki gets his spirit/soul taken by Vestal Sprite but Watanuki gets it back. Wai, Doumeki sure is popular with girls(according to Watanuki), eh? >O< But we now know that there's someone who likes Watanuki too. ^O^ (Which is Vestal Sprite)
Every time Watanuki cooks in this series, I get hungry. (seriously, everything he cooks looks delicious) Vestal Sprite was really cute and I hope to see more of her later.

Do,,,Doumeki-kun daijoubu??? @_@;;;
Doumeki gets his head banged on the wood while he was asleep. Aw, that's gotta be hurt. TOT
P.S. Did you notice how manly xxxHOLiC's Mokona is??? ^O^
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