Gintama Ep 15

The mascot of the series Elizabeth is here! Katsura sure adores Elizabeth so much, eh? Anyway Gin-san's group participates in a pet contest thing to win the prize to pay the rent. The group&Sadaharu face Katsura&Elizabeth team in the contest. Near the end of the contest, it gets revealed that Elizabeth is actually a man wearing a penguin-like consume, which brings a BIG shock to Katsura. (a MAN with hairy legs; Katsura should have named him Edward or something;;; -_^;;;)
Anyway this episode contained some parodies(such as Eyeshield 21 as Gin-san's wearing the uniform from it ^_^;) and several hilarious moments as always. Sadaharu you BAD DOG! I feel sorry for Gin-san everytime his head gets bitten by Sadaharu and ends up dropping so much blood.
...Oh yes the new ending, which I was not able to talk about last week.

The song itself is okay. It goes well along with walking Elizabeth. But I like the previous ending song better. I rather like the animation though. (Okita-kun is actually making a curse doll there @_@;;; Wai, Tae nee-sama~ >O<) I really like the last scene of the ending, where Elizabeth shares his umbrella with Katsura. (How sweet~ ^O^)
The next episode seems like the return of Hasegawa. Is it the time for that Taxi incident? ^_^;;;
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