Bleach Ep 122

Grimmy: Nooooo my arm!!! Tousen, you &%$^$^#%@!
Aizen: That's enough! You get outta here, Grimmy boy.
Gin: (Smirks)

Uryuu: You made a secret battleship within your hospital?
Ryuuken: You spread the rumor and I'm gonna smack you down.
Uryuu: (Gulps)

Rangiku: You are it!
Toushirou: I've played enough tags with Hinamori before and I'm freakin' tired of it now.
Rangiku: (Shocks)

Ichigo: I don't wanna hang out with you losers.
Shinji: Shaddup! You piece of strawberry!
Vizards: Woah, look at them go.
Hirako: Lookie, I can do ballet sideway in the air~
Hiyori: You guys are so done now.
Anyway it was another entertaining episode with some good Ichigo vs Shinji action. Now how many people in Ichigo's class are skipping? -_^; Anyway Shinji gakkoiiyo Shinji! ^O^ I like how he becomes so serious and cool from a dork when needs to. ...and Kensei@Sugita Tomokazu sounded too much like Gintoki, which gave me a funny feeling. I'm glad that all the vizard characters are drawn really well and I think Lisa looks slightly more mature than in the manga. The next episode should have some more vizard actions. Looking forward to see that~ ^O^
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