Spring 2007 New Animes Impressions - Part 3 + Misc Talk
6. Darker than Black

At first, I thought this wasn't really my type of anime. However, the first episode was very intense and well animated, which really pleased me. Just like most of the new animes this season, very nice theme songs. The sound tracks by Yoko Kanno are pleasant to listen to as well. Also, the characters here seem really interesting. Misaki@Mizuki Nana is cool(Nana-san's unusual style of voice acting, huh?) and Hei@Kiuchi Hidenobu seems like a likeable protagonist as well. Overall, I'm really looking forward to where this series going.
Gintama Talk

I'm kinda dropping Gintama because I'm afraid that this might turn out to be the next Keroro. However, I'll come back watching once the Red Cherry Blossom arc starts. (,,,and will watch Okita arc as well) I mean I like the series and the characters. But the fact that the animators are overdoing with nasty type jokes bothers me.
Anyway I think the 3rd opening is lovely and the 5th ending is pretty cool. (Takasugi gakkoissu! >O<) I'm looking forward to watch the Red Cherry Blossom arc. ^O^
Bleach Ch 271
(Do not scroll down if you don't want to be spoiled on the latest Bleach manga chapter)
Ulquiorra = Espada No.4???
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