Bleach Ep 116
One fine day at Hueco Mundo...

Ulquiorra: Aizen-sama, I'll show you this brand new magic trick with this left eye of mine. (which is also called Ginko the Mushishi's trick)
Aizen: Mmm, very nice. I'll give ya 10 out of 10.
Ulquiorra: Thank you very much.
However, there was a greedy boy named Grimmy,,, no Grimmjow, who was not happy with Ulquiorra being so superior at Hueco Mundo.

Grimmjow: The hell is that? Ya call that a trick? Get lost. I can do waaaaay better than that, DUH~
So Grimmy decides to go to the human world with his humble friends, in order to learn something refreshing.
At human world,,,

Rangiku and Orihime are having fun with just two of them.

,,,and of course those people have no idea that Grimmy rangers are coming.
(Ururu kawaiiyo Ururu!!! >O<)
-To be continued-
Ahaha, sorry for another weird post. Anyway Grimmy@Suwabe sounded SO HOT DAMN IT. Gosh, it was even better than what I expected. >O< ,,,and also I'm sure many people were glad to see Rangiku x Orihime moments animated. Rangiku was really sexy of course... I really liked the art quality of this episode too. ^O^
In the next few episodes, there will be so much kick @ss moments. Oh, this arc is getting awesome already. >_<
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