Bleach Ep 110
KITA---!!! Soshite yatto hajimattazou!!! >O<
Hahaha, it's good to see the arrancar arc finally starting. This episode was just interesting in every bits and I'm so looking forward to watch more. >_< Unfortunately the animation quality isn't good as the previous episode but I hope it won't go down any more than this.

Tatsuki is like @_@ seeing Ichigo in his Shinigami clothing for the first time

The afro samurai(lol), no shinigami dude is so funny. ^O^ It was good to see the mod soul trio staying peacefully at Urahara's place too.

Shinji-kun wa gakkoiiya!!! ^O^
Shinji-kun really kicked ass in this episode as he truly makes his debut in Bleach anime. Onosaka Masaya is doing a fantastic job voicing him too. ^O^ (especially that 'kore, nan-ya?' part >_<)

Uryuu:, you
Ryuuken: ...I'm NOT orange.
Just throwing out some Code Geass reference. lol (since both Ryuuken and Jeremiah are voiced by Narita Ken ^o^) Anyway Ryuuken is here too! (with his white hair just like in manga; 'cause last time we saw Ryuuken in anime during flash back, he had somewhat dark green hair)
Other than the ones I've mentioned above, there are lots more funny scenes involving Keigo and Kon too. Oh and the ending changed too and this time, we have a really nice ballade song. (love the ed animation, which is fully of spoilers lol)
The new chapter for Bleach manga should be back next week if I'm not wrong. Anyway the next anime ep should be even more interesting and I'm looking forward to it. ^O^
I'm definitely loving Bleach now that it's back to its original goodness, and I can't wait to watch the next few episodes. Please keep blogging it - I'm enjoying your posts! :D
maya - Thanks. Glad you liked my posts. ^O^ I will keep blogging Bleach since that was the reason for me to be back blogging. I can't wait to watch the next few episodes too. >O<
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