Bleach Ep 109
It's good to see the Bleach anime back after another week of break. ^O^ Anyway this episode basically wrapped up the Bountou arc to begin the long awaited arrancar arc. (which is gonna be exciting >_<)

This Bad Shield United is actually one of Kubo's one-shot mangas. lol

The art quality of this episode was fantastic and here are some screen caps to show that fact. Orihime looked absoultely beautiful and Ichigo was totally an ikeman. ^O^
...but the highlight of this episode was of course this dude:

Hirako Shinji@Onosaka Masaya dottemo otokorashii!!! >O<
Yes, Shinji has arrived! ^O^ Unfortunately his VA wasn't Suzumura Kenichi. Unexpectedly Onosaka Masaya is Shinji's VA, which is not bad since he speaks fluent Kansai dialect. Because of his VA, I can't help but to think of Momoshiro@Tenipuri, who is also voiced by Onosaka Masaya. Anyway I'm looking forward to hear (the very manly voice of)Shinji more in the next episode.^O^
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