Bleach Ep 120

Ururu: Bishie targeted.
Ilfort: Nooooo, my bishie face. TOT
People watching: Lookie, that bishie's a bull!!!

Shawlong: Die! Shota!
Toushirou: ...!!!
Rangiku: Nooooo poor shota boy!
The three: Everyone, power up! Let's show that arrancar what happens when he messes up with bishie shota!

Grimmy: This is sooo boring, I feel like picking up my nose while fighting.
Anyway this was another good episode. Ururu in pajama action was awesome indeed. (too bad she got beaten up so soon,,,) I didn't mind the mod souls getting their parts in the battle but I'm sure many people got annoyed by that part. Anyway no Bleach next week and it will come back in the week after with new op and ed. (Hoozah!!!)
Mah, I'm too lazy to write more. -_-;;; I haven't check out any of the new animes yet but soon I will.
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