Reborn chapter 280

So Uni and Gamma really ended up sacrificing themselves in order to send Tsuna and co. back to the past. (Noooooo TOT *sniff)

In the end, Byakuran still talked about how Uni was a mere tool for him. Damn him. He really deserves to get pwned by Tsuna's X-Burner. -_- But the surprising fact is that those girls from Cervello organization gave Byakuran his mare ring, which basically turned him into a bad@ss. I'm sure those Cervello people are going to be major villains someday.

So yeah, Byakuran is finished just like that. Wao, this battle ended faster than I thought but now I'm really looking forward to see what the next arc will be.
Actually there are some villains that are still remaining like Ginger Bread and Iris. ...and what about uncle Kawahira? What is he anyway? ...and Fran... In the end, he didn't fight for real... (Shame on you, frog!!!)
I must say this future arc had its ups and downs but overall, it was a very exciting arc to read. I'm sure Amano-sensei has more surprises for upcoming arc as well.
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