Durarara!! chapter 9 - Shizuo the Combat Bartender
Ikebukuro's infamous (ex-)bartender Heiwajima Shizuo. His hobbies include...

Lifting a trash can...

...and some random pillars on the street.
Sorry, that was a joke. (Runs away from Shizuo, who is furious)

I know Izaya is awesome as a character but I really think he deserves to get punched by Shizuo sometimes. He is just...I've never seen such a bizarre yandere... -_-;;;
So yeah, this chapter was funny as hell but I think anime watchers probably got disappointed because it didn't have enough of Shizuo's Hulk moment. (LOL runs away again) Mikado x Anri was cute too. (But I can never see Mikado the same way as before due to certain spoiler I read *cough... What a bad kid...)
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