Reborn chapter 267

I liked Uri(cat) in this scene. (So loyal to its master ; So adorable ^O^)

When Gokudera Hayato and co. were about to get pwned by Zakuro and Bluebell,,, (What's up with this typical shounen jump-like entrance of allies???)

VARIA KITA---------!!! >O<
Just like many other people, I too am wondering how the hack they managed to come to Japan from Italy in less than half day. They must own a private jet or something. WAO. I hope Xanxus-sama will beat the crap outta that Zakuro and Bluebell.
Anyway, as a Varia fangirl... My impression for this chapter is:

That's right, (fallen)prince.
It's too bad that Fran and Squalo couldn't join other members of Varia at this time but I hope to see them soon. Anyway I'll save more fangirlings for next chapter.
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