Spring 2009 animes [Edited]

Ok, it's time for another big season for new animes. It's sad to see some of great animes ending by this week(like Gundam 00) but I have a feeling the upcoming season will be as decent as previous few seasons. Anyway here's the list of what I'm planning to watch/try.
Highly anticipated:
Pandora Hearts
Mildly anticipated:
Full Metal Alchemist 2
Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~
Dogs (OVA)
Somewhat interested:
Valkyria Chronicles
Before Green Gables
Polyphonica Crimson S
Sengoku Basara
Might give a try if good:
Arad Senki
Guin Saga
Shin Mazinger Impact! Z-Chapter
Tears to Tiara
...but I'm kinda behind on most of animes I've been watching lately so better catch up on those too... ^_^;
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