Gundam 00 S2 - Ep 6

Tieria: Hey, hold on there.
Saji: (Gasp!)
Tieria: It was YOU, wasnt it?
Saji: (Oh f*ck, I'm so done for)
Tieria: (Slaps)
Saji: Awwww that was so girly.
Setsuna: Then shall I smack you like a man?
Saji: Noooooo please don't. Can't ya see I'm powerless? (Shivering)
(Of course those lines are so not true ;;; Excuse me for silly doodling again...)

Anyway yeah some heartwarming Sergei-Soma moments, Andrei going @///@ at Louise, Sumeragi's past and so on... Good episode. It's just that it's been a little while since I watched this episode and that it's kinda hard to write much about it. Poor Marina... I hope she does something important though... Also it was good to see Lockon(Lyle) getting serious in a battle.
Oh and this...

"I have control." Kita---!!! ^O^
Yes, Alle's famous line is back!
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