Gundam 00 S2 - Ep 2
I'll make this one as short as possible as it will be a super epic post if I brag about every single thing I liked about this episode.

Basically this episode was about Setsuna recruiting Lyle(=Lockon II) and Sumeragi to Celestial Being. I felt sorry for Billy though... (Now that he will think Sumeragi has betrayed him, what is he going to do?) Also it looks like Lyle's character is pretty much similar to Lockon, which is good but I don't think he trusts Celestial Being all that much yet. (As it looks like he will pass down most info on CB to Kataron, which is closer to him) Feldt being surprised at Lockon II was expected though... (But Feldt is so pretty wai~)
...and of course

Adult Setsuna is soooooo handsome. He's the man. ^_- dd

...and Gundam 00 rocked too. I'm loving this already.
Also Saji found out about Throne Gundam. Now he will go under some kind of character development I suppose. Anyway it looks like they are going to rescue poor Allelujah in the next episode. (Finally!) I hope he's ok... T_T
I was planning on making a mini post on its op and ed but probably lil later~ (I love both songs and animations going with them also... Gaaaargh, you guys have done it! Mou~ >_<)
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