Reborn chapter 262

Gamma kita---!!! ^O^
It's very rare for me to blog about manga for 2 chapters in a row but I really wanted to post about this. Gamma gakkoiiyo Gamma!!! I knew it was about time he shows up! (Nozaru and Tazaru are here also) Oh and this chapter also had the result for latest popularity poll for Reborn. Congrats for Tsuna to get 1st rank again! (Ichigo and Naruto should learn how to get 1st in popularity poll when they are protagonists too... -_-;;;) I'm happy with Hibarin in 2nd too. (Since Tsuna is the protagonist and all~) How come Amano sensei didn't include Xanxus who got 5th in poll in the colour spread too??? (She only drew characters that won 1st-4th rank this time; No fair!) If she included 10 years later Xanxus, that would have been a perfect pic... TOT Fran(My 2nd fav after Hibarin) was 11th... I hope he gets more screen time so that he can kick some @ss in next popularity poll. Good to see Dino and Squalo so high too! ^O^
P.S. This is my 3rd post in this month already. Can you believe that? WAO.
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