Gundam 00 Voice Actor Single 4 - Allelujah Haptism

Looking cool, Alle~
Ok, so I've listened to Alle's character songs and I must say I'm pretty pleased with this one. The first track named Taiyou is definitely one of my favourite Gundam 00 character songs. Yocchin did a great job on both songs. ^O^
Track #1 - Taiyou: I think this one is performed by Hallelujah judging from the tone of voice Yocchin used. Anyway it's a very catchy upbeat song. I also love how he mumbles behind the instrumental part.
Track #2 - After image: ...and this one is definitely performed by the sweet side of Allelujah. Awww... How adorable... It's a soft ballade song that totally sums up Alle's character. >__<
I wonder if there's gonna be more character singles for Gundam 00? I don't mind Saji getting one since Irino Miyu(Saji's VA) sings pretty good. Anyway out of 4 meister singles, I will say my favourite one was Setsuna's.