Juusou Kikou Dancougar Nova Ep 1-2

Yet another new winter anime to start! This is a sequel of the famous super robot anime Choujuukishin Dancougar. Anyway the first episode was a bit awkward in terms of pacing and I have a feeling that the pilots are getting used to the mecha TOO easily for beginners. But the second episode was much better in terms of art quality and everything.(but the screen captures are only from ep 1 my bad) It's a fun series and I'm looking forward to see later plots. I really like the music(op is definitely one of the bests that came out this year so far) and most of the characters, especially the new members of Dancougar Nova team. But I will say my favourite character here for now is Sakuya-kun because

He looks like one of those protagonist type characters in Super Robot War games. Aoi comes very close to the second btw. She is so hot. ^O^

F.S = Fujiwara Shinobu???
I'm sure this mysterious person called F.S is Fujiwara Shinobu of the original Dancougar series. He does look like Shinobu and is even voiced by Yao Kazuki, who is famous with Shinobu's 'Yatte yaruze!' ^O^