Reborn chapter 281

Absolutely lovely >_<
So Uni has also created eternal peace for the future with her power by sacrificing herself(as well as Gamma). Wow, she has done so much for everyone. TOT The thing is the next villain of the series is coming soon. (Oh geez, I feel sorry for Tsuna already)

So Colonello and other Alcobaleno's are back! ^O^

Fon kawaiiyo Fon!!! >O<
I hope to see more of Fon in the next arc. (Fon=Gentler chibi version of Hibari)
So I guess Tsuna and co. can go back to the past in the next chapter. But I hope to see some epilogues for this arc. (I would appreciate more Fran though...) Oh and Xanxus-sama was so scary in this chapter but that was so like him LOL. I guess Kikyou will continuously get beaten up by Varia since he's captured instead of getting killed.
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