KuroBasu 2nd season + Chapter 196

I'm sure we so saw this coming but the 2nd season of Kuroko no Basket anime has been announced!!! ^O^ Well seeing how popular the anime was and how successfully it advertised the manga (it is one of the best selling series in Jump now ), it is no surprise at all. In fact I'm soooooooooooo happy~ (Yeah! Bring out more character songs too!^O^) Also Fujimaki-sensei went all out to do a full color chapter 196 for the latest issue of Jump, which was just amazingly beautiful. I know they are putting a lot of tension on this semi-final match but I'm sure Seirin will pull through to the victory. I hope Kise doesn't hurt himself though... T_T Poor baby hurt his leg thanks to that F*cking bastard Haisaki...
So yeah, as the title page of the chapter 196 suggested, 2013 will be a year of Kuroko~ Weeeeee~