Monday, January 16, 2012

Reborn chapter 368

I thought this chapter was going to show more of Hibari vs Varia showdown (yes, Hibari is really about to fight them alone... I don't want Hibari to lose but it will be ridiculous to see the Varia boys getting pwned by a single person...-_-) but much to my surprise, this chapter was focused on Byakuran!

After Tsuna defeated Byakuran in the future, Byakuran was stuck in the nightmare that he created (where he defeated Tsuna). When he was waiting to die without any goal, Uni was the one who came to give him a life again. (Awwww they both are so cute in this page >_<)

Byakuran defends Tsuna's boss watch from Colonnello's second shot in Gamma's place and tells Tsuna to fight Iemitsu. A lot of people were saying Byakuran probably died from this shot but I strongly don't think so. I mean this is Byakuran we're talking about. Gamma probably won't withstand it but he definitely can. If Byakuran dies with this, I'm gonna be so mad because Present!Byakuran is really growing on me now and with all the great character developments he got, it will be a waste to let him go like this (but I know Amano-sensei doesn't really kill off her characters easily except very few cases like Damon Spade).

Anyway it was a great chapter that showed the bond between Byakuran and Uni. I hope Tsuna will man up and defeat Team Colonnello.

Friday, January 06, 2012

Reborn chapter 367

Happy New Year, everyone! ^O^ Anyway here's my first post of the year 2012. So everyone from the battle gets hit by Colonnello's shots (Noooo Fran's watch is broken now TOT) except Reborn's team, however Byakuran and Mukuro manage to prevent their watches from getting broken.

After Tsuna refuses to leave Byakuran to get defeated, Iemitsu declares that Team Colonnello will now fight Team Reborn as well (what a terrible father he is... TOT).

15 minutes before the battle takes place, Hibari comes to a hotel (supposedly invited by Dino?). It's almost too cute to see Fon on Hibari's head as if he has stolen Hibird's favorite spot. LOL

...and he meets Varia. LOL Wonder what will happen.