Reborn chapter 348

Waaah, so kawaii!!! I was planning on blogging last week's chapter as well (for Varia LOL) but since I missed to do so on time (as I was super busy last week), I will just skip it.
Anyway Varia and Mukuro's group come to France to recruit Fran to their side but it turns out that...

Wahaha, look at him dancing in the top right panel. XD

Poor Mukuro, LOL. (Calling him 'pineapple fairy' right on his face hahaha...) I loved how this chapter had some of the good ol' Reborn humors to the max level. (Like their facial expressions LOL)
It turns out that Fran lost his memories of future so neither Mukuro or Varia wants him now LOL. (But I have a feeling Fran is faking it. You know this kid is cunning...)

FON!!! >__< Anyway good to see other Arcobalenos getting involved in this arc too.
So yes, Fran's back in Reborn. He is adorable and awesome as ever. But I hope he takes off that silly apple hat though... (Get something like a bear hood or something, LOL)
I wonder if Fran will transfer to Tsuna's school? (According to the next chapter preview sentence at the end of this chapter...) Aaanyway it's good to see the new arc looking so promising after the boring previous arc. (With Fran, we never get bored LOL) Anyway as long as Fran's around, most likely I'll be blogging Reborn chapters. ^O^