Reborn chapter 270

Okay, so that was an amazing chapter!!! So basically what happened is Mukuro and Fran used illusions so that those bastards will think they have defeated Vongola & Varia. (But even as illusions, the scenes where Hibarin and Xanxus were getting pwned were still painful to see, ouch TOT) I'm sure some people are reminded of Getbackers. Now we need someone saying Mido Ban's line.

Thank you.
Why so little pictures this time? Because I did not want to upload the pics of fake Vongola and Varia getting pwned. TOT (...and the illusion scenes of Vongola & Varia in grudge mode were pretty creepy too. Mukuro and Fran sure love horror movies. LOL)
Well, Bel was pretty cool this chapter but all the panels he was in were so small so did not feel like uploading them.
(That "Ciao" was priceless btw...)
Anyway I'll be looking forward to the next week's chapter and hopefully Fran will have a main spotlight rather than having Mukuro do 3/4 of the job. (I mean Mukuro is awesome but we have already seen what he's capable of...)
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