Well, I'm back. ...sorta. (Well...does anybody care? -_^') However, I will be posting stuff pretty irregularly depending on how busy I become of. (or how energetic I get)
I will be posting about the impressions on fall new animes(just like how I did with the summer animes) and I will continue blogging Bleach and Gintama but not every episode I will say. (Only once in a while; Bleach is still running the filler arc, which disappoints me T_T) I will be posting some manga reviews as well. (most likely weekly chapters)
Anyway here are what I'm going to watch/try basically this fall but it's always possible for me to watch more than these ones. (I already picked up Black Blood Brothers btw~)
Highly interested: CODE GEASS - Lelouch of the Rebellion: CLAMP art meets Taniguchi Goro's mecha anime!!! This is my most anticipated anime of this season.
D.Gray-man: The anime character design kinda put me down before but the fact that Ravi is going to be voiced by Suzumura Kenichi has raised my hope way up once again.
(Ravi kawaii~ >O<) The promo was okay(I liked the song) except the fact that I was like 'だれ。。。?' at Kanda. -_-;;;
Midly interested:Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto: The awesome OP song by FictionJunction YUUKA and the fact that protagonist is voiced by Namikawa Daisuke are just enough reasons for me to get interested.
DEATH NOTE: I'm not a big fan of the manga(plus I didn't finish reading it) but this anime adaptation seems quite promising. Plus, Miyano Mamoru(VA of Tamaki from Ouran) is voicing Raito.
Kanon: I know nothing about the game and never watched Toei's adaptation but the promo was promising. Plus KyoAni is making it. ^O^
Super Robot Wars OG Divine Wars: The OVA was bad enough to make me not wanting any more of SRW anime adaptation but this one seems to be following the game story, which is good. Plus the character design looks much better than the OVA's.
Somewhat interested:Gin-iro no Olynssis: Toei mecha anime meets Hirai Hisashi's characters (same as GSD's character design)
Marginal Prince: I need an eye candy anime but not expecting too much on this one
Pumpkin Scissors: I like the character design especially the main heroine
Sumomomo Momomo: It seems like a unique kawaii anime
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge: I never read the manga but Nabeshin's directing it (plus it has pretty good VA castings ^O^)
Yoake Mae Yori Ruriiro na Crescent Love: Very pretty character design but it seems like a common harem series and I'm not expecting too much
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