Kiba Ep 20

Yatto aetta!!! >O<
If you thought I was going to celebrate their reunion in a sweet way like this, you are mistaken.

Noah!!! Just WTF did Neotopia people did to you? Even though he did greet Zed in a friendly way, he really has changed. ,,,and as I expected, he punishes Kis with his own hand. Poor Kis... T_T
Kore wa Noah Jyane!!! TOT
Anyway Zed manages to rescue Roia and the two return to Tempura. So we now know that the three key spirits are Amil Gaoul, Pronimo, and Sachura(Noah's spirit). But omg why are they all ugly? (Except Amil Gaoul but he isn't that cool looking either;;;)
,,,and Hugh is calling himself so lucky to see all of them so close. Get a life, jerk. -_-;
Also it is completely revealed that Roia is from Task. (She has horns on her shoulders too) I guess it's finally her turn to get some character development. I'm hoping for her to do something remarkable soon.

Chibi Roia kawaisugiru!!! >O<
Little Roia in the flashback scene was incredibly cute. Her hair reminded me
of Nina from Mai-Otome though. ^_^;
Anyway here's my personal character rank for this series. Zed sure did gain so much respect from me in recent 8 episodes. ^o^;
Zed>Noah>Roia>>Rambos(The spirits do count, DUH!)>Sagiri>>Miki>>>Others>>>>>>>>Diana>Elmeda
Note: Diana is the lady at Neotopia, who has summoned Noah from Calm.(ano kusso onna -_-;) I don't think her name was mentioned in any of the episodes except in the ending credits.
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