Gintama Ep 18

This one was one of the funniest episode so far but it was also the very first time for this anime to have such inconsistent animation. (particularly Hijikata-san -_-;) Anyway Yorozuya three, Tae, and Shinsengumi work as a team to capture Kaito Fundoshi Kamen, who's been robbering lingeries. (which reminded me of that lingerie thief episode from Mai-HiME lol) Silly little Yamazaki-kun acting dumb with his heavy armor thingy was just hilarious. Also the whole process of their team work was just so funny. lol

This week's Kondo-san special
Poor Kondo-san had the hardest time in this episode. -_-;

Anego, gakkoiiyo...!?^_-;
As Kagura said. But she's so scary too. -_-; (Note: the term 'anego' means big sis but not as formal as nee-san)

Okita-kun kawaissu!!! >0<
Even among all the inconsistency in animation, Okita-kun's bishieness was still shining. ^O^ But he is wacky as always. -3-;
Labels: Gintama
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