Gintama Ep 19

This episode was okay but I didn't find it very funny. (but some scenes were funny lol) That's probably because I don't find Hasegawa's character very interesting but I can't help but to think of Kenpachi from Bleach whenever I hear his voice. (both are voiced by Tachiki Fumihiko-san btw ^_^;) Basically this was a beach episode that showed Hasegawa's passion with the sea. To summarize what happened, the group went to the beach to defeat the sea monster(of course that's an excuse;;;) but found out that there's no need to since the giant fish wasn't a bad creature.

It was kinda funny to see how Gin-san's face expression changes according to summer's heat. lol
Anyway from looking at the preview, the next episode is going to be a good one(again, it's another Shinsengumi episode), which I'm looking forward to watch. ^O^
Labels: Gintama
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