Top 5 Anime Shota's
Since many other anime bloggers seem to do 'top 5...' or 'best 5'(or even best 10) posts a lot, I decided to do one. The reason I'm doing top 5 anime shota's is that it is easier to narrow the list down compare to best bishies or bishoujos or even loli's. (...and no, not because I'm a shotacon...)
Just to let you know that this list is entirely based on my opinions and can be biased a LOT. (Yeah, most posts like this are biased aren't they?)
#5 - Okita Sougo (Gintama)

Okay so #5 on my list is the pretty boy(but a cheeky bastard LOL) from Gintama, Okita-kun. Well yeah some people might deny the fact that he's a shota but well I think he is, considering that baby face of his...I haven't watched or read this series for like looooong time but I still remember how funny Okita-kun was. I really like the way he talks also. (Apparently he speaks in Edo accent, some people said) Definitely one of my favourite characters in the series! ^O^
#4 - Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)

#4 on my list is the great Edward Elric~ (...and I can hear him yelling for calling him a shota already... Grow up, kiddo if ya don't wanna be one ^_^;) He's definitely one of the most awesome anime protagonists up to date. Not only he's intelligent and brave but he's got a heart of gold. I really like how he's even more animated in the 2nd season plus he's got more variety in fashion than in the 1st season. LOL Let's see if this little guy really becomes together with Winry. ^O^ (Ed: Wut???)
#3 - Mihashi Ren (Ookiku Furikabutte)

#3 on my list is Mihashi-kun, who is probably the most adorable boy in Oofuri. ^O^ I know some people are annoyed by Mihashi's indecisive character but I don't mind that at all. Well, he's my favourite character in the series anyway. ...and I already posted the news about Oofuri anime 2nd season recently. Well, Mihashi is one of the reasons that I find this series enjoyable. ^O^ I'm looking forward to see how much he gets better in the 2nd season.
#2 - Fran (Reborn!)

Tie...Fran...Your tie is done wrong!!! (Pffff)
#2 on my list is Varia's gothic teen(whether he's a teen or not is still a mystery though...) Fran, who is also my favourite character in the series. (Yeah...Hibari got pushed to 2nd...*runs away from Hibari*) This really something. He made me laugh starting from his debut chapter with that unique character of his. He sure has a strange charisma...Like how he refers to himself as "Me" and the way he speaks in keigo with that monotone voice. His anime voice is extremely charming too. (Squalo taichou~ Bel-senpai~ *$#@&^% kudasai~~~~ LOL) You know he's like a Reborn version of Okita Sougo in a lot of ways LOL. Anyway I hope to see his full potential soon in the manga. (Oh and take off that hat too please...Bel, how dare you making a little boy to wear that heavy & stupid hat...)
#1 - July (Darker than Black)

So adorable.
So #1 on my list is July from DtB. Some of those who watched the 2nd season of DtB might agree with me on this one. I mean he had such a great character development in the 2nd season... Also he was so adorable and fun. (<=Even though he was quiet, seeing him interacting with other characters was so much fun in my opinion) He was not a major character in the 1st season at all but I'm glad the anime staff gave him extra touch to his character in the sequel. I haven't finished watching 2nd season yet but I'm already spoiled with the ending. Awww... The ending is so rushed... But I'm glad Suou and July were able to meet each other again~ (Talking about Suou, she deserves this year's best loli award... ^O^)
Oh yeah so that's it for this boring post. I'll do a different top 5 thingy if I come up with something.
P.S. Apparently weekly shonen jump came out this week so yay~ but I hear it will be on break for 2 WEEKS??? Nooooooooooo that's even worse!
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